Great Organ-Related Quotes
‘If you pass a church and hear the organ being
played, go inside and listen. … Miss no opportunity
to practise on the organ. No other instrument takes
such an immediate revenge on sloppiness in composition and playing.’
- Robert Schumann
‘Organ playing is the manifestation of a will filled with the vision of eternity.’
- Charles-Marie Widor
‘“What?”, said [piano manufacturer] Herr Stein. “A man like you, so fine a clavier player, wants to play on an instrument which has no douceur, no expression, no piano, no forte, but is always the same?” “That does not matter,” I replied. “In my eyes and ears, the organ is the King of Instruments”.’
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
‘If you are called upon to play a church service, it is a greater honour than if you were to play a concert on the finest organ in the world… Thank God each time when you are privileged to sit before the organ console and assist in the worship of the Almighty.’
- Albert Schweitzer
‘Listen, and for organ music thou wilt ever, as of old, hear the Morning Stars sing together.’
- Thomas Carlyle